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Mammut Bushcraft Alberta

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Fundamentals of Navigation:
6 hours
Cost: $95.00/person
Brief introduction to the tools of effective navigation: your memory, a map and compass.

Navigation: Beyond the Basics:
2 days
Cost: $190/person
You will become intimately familiar with your compass and the intricacies of topographical maps. Extensive classroom time will be spent on learning the skills of triangulation, resection, using handrails, reading the landscape and route selection. The skills covered will enable you to determine locations, read maps with confidence and create an old friend out of your compass
Advanced Navigation:
3 days, next course Summer 2016
Cost: $300/person
We will review the skills learned in our Beyond the Basics course and then challenge students in a three day simulation of being lost.
Under the watchful eye of an instructor, you will be dropped off in an unknown location, and applying your skillset, navigate to a location marked on your maps.
Requires prior training, good physical fitness and a full backpacking outfit.
Navigation Topics:
Compass Skills
setting a heading
Reading a bearing
Map Skills
Reading the map
Orientation to terrain
plotting courses
location determination
Field Component
Cross-country navigation
Sport Orienteering
Skill enhancement
Electronic Aids
Electronic compasses
Map & GPS: where am I?
PLB’s and Spot’s
Natural navigation
Pace counting
Direction finding: sun, stars, moon & vegetation
Finnish compass stick
Portable sun compass
Navigation Courses:
The art of staying found is sometimes embued with mystery and intrigue. The reality is that good navigation is mostly about good planning and paying attention to the things around you.
Our Navigation courses are intended to step you through the mysteries, into confidence in your ability to read maps, use tools like compass and GPS and to move confidently.
Navigation Courses:
Fundamentals of Navigation Navigation: Beyond the Basics
TBA tba
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