Get Expert Instruction: Mammut Bushcraft
Mammut Bushcraft offers a range of bushcraft, survival and wilderness living skills from afternoon workshops focused on a single skill to week-long immersions in wilderness living. Foremost we see ourselves educators and guides to living comfortably outdoors. Learning should be fun, engaging, non-threatening and leave each person with increased confidence in their abilities and a thorough awareness of their limitations.
To enable each participant to learn effectively we make use of local woodlands, classrooms, ponds and rivers to provide easy access to our courses. Wherever the class, our emphasis is on training in skills that are effective in the backcountry. No matter where you travel or adventure, the skills and knowledge we share will be relevant and tested through experience.
Our course training methods are simply and effective.
Throughout all courses skills are taught in an effective manner:
Skills are introduced, demonstrated and explained
You will practice these skills with instructors ready to assist
Skills are progressive, simple to complex, essential to peripheral
Skills and techniques are universal through all courses.
To avoid confusion, we maintain a core set of skills that are addressed in all courses. As you progress from single to multiple day courses each set of techniques will be refined and complemented by introducing more advanced methods and developing the ability to improvise. The following list represents our core skills:
Firecraft: Fundamentals of Warmth
Starting with matches and lighters we will progress through spark and friction methods. Fires will be utilized for tool construction, as part of shelters, for cooking, roasting and baking, and purifying water.
Sheltercraft: The Science of a Roof over your head
Tarps, thermal mass lean-to's, super shelters, igloos, quinzhees, and more. Exact content will vary by season and ecology.
Water: Collecting, Purifying and Consuming
Water is essential to good health and survival. We will address body requirements, accessing and purifying water by various methods.
Food: Outdoor Cookery
From foraging to frying flapjacks we will cover the bases. Course content may include solar cooking, compressed gas and liquid fuel stoves, cast iron cookery, campfire baking and more.
Toolcraft: Effective Use of Essential Tools
Beginning with safe and effective use of the knife as the essential tool for bushcraft, wilderness living and survival we will progress through sharpening, selection, care, carving techniques and improvising knives from found and forged materials. Depending on season and ecology we will also address hatchets, axes, saws, and more.
Essential Equipment
Overview of equipment that every wilderness traveler should carry for single day ventures into the wilderness. The equipment addressed will vary according to the course. Modern campcraft will be very different than Survival or Bushcraft.
Risk Management:
Our guiding principles should always be to stay safe and have fun. This portion of the course will address trip and contingency planning appropriate to the season, activity and terrain.